
That was quick!

After teaching my first dance class of the summer @ the Scotiabank Dance Centre (which was indeed a success :) I walked out at 9:50 into the dark and rainy streets. & what do I see? Kelvin crossing the street with the umbrella in one hand and flowers in the other. It was a comforting sight to see after being so nervous and on the toes the whole day about teaching. He knew I've never eaten at Steffos before so he surprised me by taking me there. Sitting by the dim candle light on our table just set the mood. Unfortunately our conversation started off with bad news. His "surprise" wasn't going to happen and my chances of leaving vancouver with him was a no go. But as soon as the food came our mouths were full and no more bad news could escape our mouths. All ended well with some food to take home and a new first time memory. Heading back home to surrey is always good times. I love our car conversations. Sharing songs explaining their meanings and some what relating them to our very own relationship.. Or life in general. Back at my place by 1130 and on goes "Donnie Darko" .. Which was not scary at all. Just philosophical and creepy! Movie was followed by an intense chess game! Which I lost.. yeah :T I'm going to practice! And the photo shoot began. Haha okay so all our other pictures are too much for everyone else to see so that's why that picture up there was put up. It was the only decent one haha. Ate some pie, had our kitchen conversations and 430am hit. Our night was over.

You know out of this whole month we've been together we did everything we've already done in that one night.

After commencement - late night kitchen conversation

Watch a movie in my theater downstairs

Eat out somewhere you take me by surprise

Car conversations

Oh and I guess we didn't watch a live play that night but that's ok.

Everything in life cannot be categorized into either Fear or Love.
Since "Fear is the heart of Love"

...& she followed him into the dark

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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