...said love.

PC: Hi, my names PC.
Kelvin: I'm Kelvin, but you can call me Edwards Kelvin.

As our conversation goes on with different names for our different sides of personality...

Douglas/ the one I have yet to fully meet because he only shows face to the ones he can fully let in.

Kelvin/ the one that is a stud but a total dork/nerd at the same time "I'm not going to lie" ;) & the very one that fell for Cas

Edwards-Kelvin (*cough cough* Edward-Cullin)/ the one that tries to be suave and seductive.. Aka mr pepe le pa**** haha!

Casandra/ the one that is overly ticklish and giggles at every touch. Especially around the neck!

Cas/ the one that stole Kelvins heart in grade 8 "the first time I saw her was the last time I saw my heart" haha! Also the one that's like Casandra just not ticklish and like PC but not as.. Yeah.

PC/(BG history of where the name originated from: t'was once Kelvin and Malcolms nickname for Cas but became name for a certain personality) the one that's not PDA disapproving. (She only does come out in private though..)

Kelvin: I'm not going to lie, I do like Cas a lot more.
PC: Oh really? Well she's one lucky girl.
Kelvin: I actually think that I might love her, but I'm afraid.
PC: Why afraid?
Kelvin: Because I'm afraid that I might be in love with her...

[Conversation carried on with PC spoiling Cas' secret on how she feels the same way he does..]


He...said love. From that moment I looked at him different. The way I didn't think I would look at him because I've gone through that look once before but I didn't think I could give that look to anyone else. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to fall in love. That my first love could never be compared. Though my first love will always be my first love and will always have that special part of me I also learned that when you've lost that love you could find it again one day. I think I found mine today. And I knew because at that moment "nothing even [mattered] at all..[His] love makes me feel ten feet tall without it I'd go through withdrawal 'cause nothing even matters at all".

I really didn't think I could ever love anyone like I did my first love.. But you're definitely showing me there's hope. But I'm really going to be going through withdrawal after Aug11. Cause really who's going watch movies in the basement with me my mom and bruce and then stay to keep me up till 3am. And then who's going to have to wake me up at 4am just so I could let you out of my house since you don't have a key.. Yet. And who's going to come over and play NHL with gino and chad while I have girl time with carmen? Who's going to bring me roots pants? Who's going to call me beautiful after a sweet simple kiss? Who's going to do all that & so much more? No one but Douglas Kelvin Edwards could do that..

So you better do what you say and come down as much as you can, but still stay focused with school.

The night ended with...

Kelvin: You know I meant every word I said
Cas: so did I.

I guess I really did want you to just SAY LOVE.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

4 comment(s):

Special K said...

awwwws cas. im so happy for you. i still havent met him yet lawls. hope after august 11 isnt too harsh on you. ill be praying for you m'dear =)

ckp said...

awe Kevin thats so sweet of you :)

iappreciate it

rizzy tuazon said...

o m g, tear

bernadettejane said...

HAHA omg... i'm tearing!!! So happy for you Cas!