"Fear is the heart of love"

Love fears lies. Love fears trust. Love fears letting someone in.

I don't fear you, and neither does my love. But I've been fooled before thinking the same things you've said to me last night was supposed to happen before. But it means so much more to me coming from you. But the last time I believed in all of that, it turned on me and a lot that was once said doesn't mean anything anymore. I'm not saying I don't trust what you say to me, nor do I doubt your love for me, or for our relationship. I just hope that your right.

I don't fear you, and neither does my love. I trust you because I have no reason not too. Actually I guess I could say that I have many reasons to trust you/love you, as much as I do. You've never wronged me, never hid anything from me (besides that one thing GG said haha! But I know you did that so I wouldn't have to worry), my friend even had a dream about you which made her see why I love you so much, you always remind me that you love me, you take care of me physically/mentally/(and your attempts at) financially (thanks but no thanks :), you drive almost 5 hours just to come down on weekends, you're just always showing me you love and care for me. There are so many other things I could have listed, but those are just a few at the top of my head.

If I ever think of something that actually bothers me I'll talk to you about it. If its minor and I know I'll get over it I'll keep it to myself, won't talk about it, and forget about it. But if you ask me I'll tell you, but remember its no big.

I'm sorry you felt pretty uncomfortable being on the other side of the line while I was there with her. I don't like making you feel that way, but she is still a real good friend of mine.

"Go steady with me.
I know it turns you off when I
I get talking like a teen
I get talking like a teen"

"& the point of it all is I Love you"
& I'm not afraid to even if "fear is the heart of love"

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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