Working a double.

I took care of my errands before work started, which was at 12. I started work and like how it always in the beginning of work its slow since people start trickling in for their lunch break. We stand by the pass, look through the paper and talk about what ever is going on. Then Brianna came up to me and said, "See that guy at table 30?" I said "Yeah, what about him?" Brianna replies "That guy is from the gang called R ed S corpions. He's in the paper and his brother is on the front cover." This man has court dates all this week and so far for the last 2 days he's been coming in to our work to eat lunch. Its pretty scary considering he's a murderer, and since he's been banned from many other restaurants. He used to be on house arrest and when he would leave his house police would have to follow his every move. So there I am at work expediting and the next bill is for table 30. There are only 3 plates, one for him and the other 2 for his lawyers (I'm guessing that's who they were). I didn't want to spill the 3rd plate since it was hot so I got Brianna to help me carry the last plate over. Which also so happens to be his. Haha Brianna was not happy with me. I thought it was funny. He is still human and not a crazy psycho killer, just a murderer :s. But anyways he like chicken strips with yam fries haha. But who doesn't. I work tomorrow morning so I'll see if he's in again.

I left work after my morning/afternoon shift. Rested, read some cosmo, kept listening to Tegan & Sara's latest album, which is just as good as the last one, ate curry chicken, and then headed back to work at 5. Expedited again and I didn't mess up at all! Yay me :) tips were pretty good since the Canucks were playing. The Pub wasn't as full as I expected it to be. But the restaurant was packed. We had a line at the door for quite some time. But time went by fast cause it was busy for the longest time and I always found something todo. Which is good cause I don't feel useless. I like my job. Its actually been over a year since I first started.

When I first started I remember how entertaining it was for me because I would get these 2 repeated questions at least 15 times in one night. Question #.1) How old are you?/ Are you old enough to work here? Question #.2) How tall are you? Haha that didn't stop for months. I still get it every once in a while, but not as much as before. But I remember 1 night about a year ago my Manager Graem decided to measure me. So he put me against the wall and with a pen marked my height down. Then he grabbed a tape measure and concluded that I was 4'8.

So for a long time now, when I would see someone I haven't seen in a while they would say "Have you gotten shorter?" I would say maybe, a lot of people always ask that. So me and the head chef Matt decided to go back to that marking on the wall. I go back against the wall and what do you know. I'm about half a cm shorter then I was before. Not a crazy difference. But unfortunately I am shorter :( haha that's so weird. I'm never going to grow, nor get up to 5! LAME!

Oh well, I've been living under the average height my whole life. I'm pretty sure I can live with it for the rest of my life. No BIG! ;)

Currently listening to:
Tegan & Sara - Someday

Kelvin.. This song might also be my favorite song out of the album, even though the whole album is great. This one seems the most happiest sounding. I'm feeling the organ sounding background tunes.

"Might paint something I might want to hang here someday
Might write something I want to say to you someday
Might do something I'd be proud of someday
Mark my words, I might be something someday"

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

1 comment(s):

arthurstorm said...

i still have your shoes in my car =)