Tonight was a sneak preview of what the Opening Ceremony is going to look like. We had an audience combined with family and friends . Each performer (including the closing ceremony performers) received 5 tickets to give out. Unfortunately my sister was not able to make it, but I ended up inviting my dad, brother, cousin chasthy, cousin kitt, & my mom. They spotted me during my performance & congratulated me at the end. On our back we all rode the train together. Pretty crazy since I know my cousins & brother haven't taken it in years, and awkward having both parents in the same place. My dad had given a ride earlier to everyone, and my mom had come from work. We all got off King George and started walking to the car. Usually my mom parks at the skytrain but she didn't bring the truck. So she started walking to the bus stop. My dad decided to offer a ride, but my mom started being stubborn & said "its ok I'll just bus" and I know it takes 2 different buses and a long walk to get home. Ate chasthy goes of laughing and says "what is this, highschool?" Haha we all start laughing trying to convince my mom to just get a ride from my dad. And she gives in. I know she never really wanted to bus. Though she did try to leave the stadium earlier but failed to get out of the gates cause she was lost hahaha. Anyways my dad ended up giving us all a ride. In the car my brother & dad were talking about the "this is it" dvd, and how it was going to be on Blu-Ray. As soon as my dad said that me and my brother looked at each other & started laughing sooo hard! Only because the day before when out mom came over we were talking about a Blu-Ray DVD player she won. My brother & I were making fun of how my mom pronounced "BLU-RAY". And the way my mom and dad both pronounce "BLU-RAY" is the exact same. So much emphasis on the RAY, like it swoops down hahahaha. My mom knew why we were laughing so she started poking my sides which made me laugh harder. And my ate chasthy was wondering why we were laughing, so I started to tell her the story. But my mom didn't want me to so she nudged me even more. I don't think she wanted me to point out that her & my dad are the same hahahaha. Oh man it was soo funny being in that car. I'm glad I got both of them to go. They still love me, even though they very much dislike each other hahaha :)

Good night, goodnight.

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