"Just then it came as a surprise.
When I looked into your eyes.
Never walked up to a guy.
But here I go.
I don't wanna waste your time.
I just wanna make you mine.
Wanna play with you all night.
So tell me what your name is.
And I know I'm acting strange.
Girls ain't suppose to talk this way.
But I can't let you slip away.
So tell me what your name is.
I see you sitting all alone.
Tell me though, if you got a girl at home.
I gotta know,
Is she taking care of you.
Like I would do.
And he said I don't have a girl at home.
But I'm feeling you."

I always see you upstairs working on something. You pop your head up and your eyes get off your computer screen and meet mine. In those few moments our eyes meet I try not to show any emotions and go on to what I was supposed to be doing. We do this routine more than I can count or remember. Your always there. Today you came into our class to use the scanner. I always wondered where you went when you left your computer up there for so long. I'd probably never go up to you and start up a conversation, but one day I might get up on that other side of the bed & feel different. Seriously though, what's your name?! Oh and it might "relax" you and all, but fyi smoking is bad for you. Not cool. But I like your style. Even if you is more casual for the most part. You do it well, so keep doing it. I'll see you around guy..


Waking up in 5, sht
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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