TY: Number Seventeen

Its been a while since I've been back to the jar. So I decided to pull out 2.

"I pray for you when things are down and out with the family. I know how hard it is for you to deal with."

Again I don't know who the submitted this one is, but I appreciate it. Its reassuring to know someone is thinking about you and praying for you. Paying is something I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't done in a while. Crazy sign came up out of the blue. A dear friend asked me to go to church with him this wednesday. I want to go. I miss the connection with me & the man in the clouds. He's actually the most consistent man in my life. I owe him so much. I believe its also time for another confession. Dates way past do, so it must be done.

Speaking of doing things...

"In Time, it isn't the things you do, but the things you leave undone, which give you a heartache at the setting of the sun"

I think its telling me to do homework..
Well that and possibly confession, which I do plan on doing. I'm on my way to getting things done. And all the little steps I take help every little bit. For example, creating my little post-its "To-do-lists" with check off boxes, or writing my schedule & homework down in my planner, and just setting my alarm extra early so I can have enough time to eat, shower, dress, and commute. Every bit counts, and that's how I get things done.

Time to check off the box that says sleep!
Btw: my eye stopped twitching :)

Good weekend
-Adyen Art Gallery
-Richmond *something* Tea Restaurant

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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