Today, we picked up our report cards at school. I'm glad to say that i finished off the year finding out that I recieved 2 department awards. One for Dance12 and the other was for an "Outstanding Art Student Award." Recieving the Shirley Clements Scholarship from Outbreak was a bonus, as well as winning a $1,000 Scholarship for FineArts. Honestly, I thought that I would be leaving school with my grad cap and thats about it. These awards came as a surprise to me. To think of what I could have gotten if I actually TRIED? haha :P But i'm happy & i'm pretty sure my parents (especially my mom) are pretty pleased as well. Here I go out into what everyone is calling "The real world." Working a full time job for the summer, as well as a 2nd teaching job. Then once october rolls in School starts up again. And within another year and a half i'll have my diploma and off with my career! A year and a half isn't even that long. Highschool was 4/5 years long and I can still remember grade 8 so vividly. Everythings basically set...

I want this summer to last. Since we both know it'll be another Megan Fox and Shia Labeouf good bye. Except that you're not going to be coming back to save the world with Optomis Prime. Once September comes you're off to University... while I go to school here. 5 months is a long time, i just hope you don't have to extend you're stay for any reason. Transfer to UBCVan as soon as you can. So until september we got to do all the things we said we would. Lets make the most of our summer together, even if half of it might include Juan ;) haha jk.
Don't SAY LOVE.. not yet.

2 comment(s):

dre said...

thats a REALLY pretty picture of you cas! you're glowing!

ckp said...

haha its the make up.