You know, right when we started talking again I had overwhelmed by our friendship slowly growing over small conversations and late night hang outs. When we reached that official point we were at peak point, or at least I felt that way for a bit. Every time we were together, my love soul would fly higher. But as time between us apart came along my high would burn out and the feelings would go back to its neutral; @ its satisfactory point. Why was this I asked? Why was I feeling just okay with everything when everything was going perfect?
Cause it was too good to be true. You made me happy all the time. My family loves you, and didn't mind how late you kept me out. My mom trusts me way too much when I'm with you. You get a long with everyone I make you meet. And I still wasn't feeling it as much as I should have been. Today I found out why. Today I got that sure feeling. Today we "argued".
That's all I needed. I needed that balance of good and bad. I guess I can't really say it was bad nor did we really argue, but we just communicated with a struggle, and I liked that. You cared too much, and I pushed you away to stop. But you're cute when you care. Like I said I was just tired and cold. No big, not your fault, so I don't know why you need to say sorry. Plus I do owe you for taking care of me that night. I'm so sorry... I partied way too early.
So now that I have gotten to see that we can have a down side I'm more then happy and more then satisfied :D I'm in...l..l.. No, I'm not going to SAY LOVE. Not yet :)

Thanks batman
Love: the gongshow ;) (thnks GG)
Haha fm new nickname, I'm the sht!
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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