
You've always been good with your words. Ever since grade 8. My yearbook in grade 8 was one for the books, but in grade 9.. Well you know how much that made me cry, it even made Mel cry and it wasn't even for her! And here we are now in grade 12 making up for lost times through 10 and 11. Now your writing was even better than before.

I know you're words are truly written. No pressure nor force, just straight from the heart, mind, and sweet memories. References only you and I would understand, and only expressed feelings that would come from our specific relationship. You make me feel stupid when I'm around you because you're words are as if they've been read out of an award winning book about a troubled heart that found its way to love. I don't know how you do it, or what exactly it is you're doing, but please don't stop. Your charm has seem to win over my families hearts. Especially my mom, lola, and even my sister!! Which is the most hardest person to impress. You don't have to keep trying to win me over.. You should already know that you did that a long time ago.

You don't see how great full I am to have you back in my life... You make me want to show you off, but at the same time I don't because I'm selfish and just want to have you for myself.

"I would call you my 'Princess';.." Yes I do still have my tiara from gr9 :) "..say I 'Love' you; Just puppy love. But I don't think I understand what we had. I'm glad I learned from the past. I no longer greatly regret breaking up with you. I now see it was to prepare me for greater time. It took two and a half years for me to rebuild myself, to realize how much I need you. My life has changed because of you and for that I am eternally grateful." - dke

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

2 comment(s):

Justine said...

Hey Cas it's Justine :)

I was wondering how you got this to work with on Blackberry?? I'm able to log into it on mine, but that's it :(

ckp said...

i send it by email!