
Yup, I'm in! :D

Unfortunately this means my summer is going to be cut down to basically 3 weeks :(. First day of actual classes begins July 6. I'm so stoked, but so scared at the same time!! Ahh just want to leave highschool already and start my summer.. Or what's left of it.

Being accepted feels good. The 2 and a half hour interview was worth it!

Knowing what you have to offer is good enough makes you feel useful in this world. Like you do fit in, and your not just a failure at life. When it comes to school, friends, or family. Speaking of family its mothers day today. My mother and I had lots of mother daughter time and had some girl talk time. For the first time in a long time I talked to her like a friend rather then just a mother. I talked to her about stuff she would normally disregard, but she accepted the things I had to say. She understood and gave me feedback. She laughed along with me when the time was right, and she gave advice when it was needed.

I'm happy with how my mothers day went. It wasn't just about gifts and how much was spent on what. But I think I really touched base on the sentimental value of mothers day. I appreciate my mother, and today I think she understood that.

Lately my perspective on a lot of things that are going on in my life has changed. This last dilemma was a eye opener. And I'm glad it happened. My hearts been a little lighter, my eyes are open a little wider, even my mind has found new paths to wonder through. And I'm also being harder on myself. Not letting myself fall for things so easily, not taking everything so seriously, not speaking every word my mind simply comes up with, and not trusting everything that looks nice just like that. This is the way it should be. For now at least, until I discover a new way of thinking of how I should do things. But from what I've learned so far in my life this should be my philosophy.

Usually I don't like change, but I'm accepting this new way of thinking.

Love it or hate it..
i SAY LOVE it!

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...


AUBstacle said...

Conrgrats, babygirl! Hard work definately pays off and I know you're so deserving. So work it, girrrrllll and make me an "I like this" painting would ya? ahah

kf said...

Congrats =]
I'm going into business-accounting