
Currently listening to...
Flying Lotus - Rest ez

So on my last blog I received an anonymous comment from a Jane Doe. (Started using this term cause of CSI haha) it actually really got to me. To think that people actually read what I got to say. Its not like I'm making huge public announcements that are private and hoping no one reads it.. I am aware that I am posting my thoughts up on the web. But as much as I did promote that I do have blogspot, I just didn't think that anyone would ...(well as much as I don't want to sound like a broken record).. actually read my blogs.

I guess I should know better since I do just about the same thing. I have an icon for the blogs I follow on my itouch. So if I feel the need to check on updates of peoples lives I take a few moments before bed to read up on my friends lives. Its quite convenient considering I don't have a laptop, nor a computer of my own. Its stuck in my brothers room so I don't exactly have all the access I think I would need.. Or want. But that's where my bb data plan, and itouch wifi comes in handy.

But back to this Ms. Anonymous..
I thank you for your thoughts about my blogs, and I'm honored that my blogs some what take part in your interest. I share the same interest as you. I do learn from my own blogs and my friends when I read them. Gives me different perspectives on Life's situations. But mostly when I write my own blogs I tend to take a moment to really open up my mind, organize my thoughts, and lay them out straight to make sense of it all. One of the major things I've learned pretty recently is to always try to keep that optimistic side above the pessimistic. But I'll admit I try to keep that philosophy but more for the public image rather then my self. At the moment it seems as if its the right thing to do, but deep deep down I know its not completely healthy. If you want the attention then yeah, go for it. Cry your eyes to the world, but just know that you won't always get the attention or the feedback you want. I rather not take that chance in being publicly embarrassed with my sad life stories. Especially because I know that there are so many other who go thru the same sht, and sometimes a lot worse. Yeah, so to keep my personal, private life on the dl is fine by me. I'll save my tears for myself when I know I can just calm down and think things through with myself, or when I can just cry out loud and let it out. I understand though that some people need to let it out, and just break when they least hope they would and that's where true friends come in and help. This is where I can feel for someone else's troubles.

Just like you Ms. Anon "Although I don't know much bout your past, and your status, but just by observing you and your accomplishments, it stuns me that someone like you can feel sad. It makes me sad to see you sad..." Haha that's cute, and I appreciate your sympathy. I too also hope that I will find "someone worth [my] time and [my] heart-aches." But I probably won't find hat guy after going through a couple more relationships... Unless I'm really fortunate. Haha but if you've seen "He's just not that into you" then you would call me the exception.. Again UNLESS I am really fortunate. Until then, I'm just another girl with heart-aches, stories, and baggage.

Btw, you make me really curious to whom you might me (okay I faked that, I don't really know how to use the 2 different but the same terms "who"&"whom") but I like the secrecy of it. Kind of mysterious. Like I'm playing guess who.. "Is your person a guy?" "No" knock down more then half the characters on the board. "Does your person wear glasses?" Eliminate 5 more characters... Haha dope game. Anyways keep doing what your doing. I hope I keep my life interesting enough for you haha.

I SAY anonymous readers got mad LOVE for bloggers such as myself.

Currently listening to...
The strokes - Soma
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

1 comment(s):

Special K said...

why wouldnt people want to read what you gotta say? you're an amazing writer cas =)

btw, how did you do that with your touch? is yours jailbroken?