How is it that my insides feel flooded.

Blooded; seeping through my weak feeling body.
How is it that my heart is broken
When it never really was fixed to begin with?
Still bleeding from the first shock of impact
That was created by
Your once stupid uncaring actions.
Played me for a fool
Played my heart for a tool.
You thought you could rule
... but it was just cruel.

Drip drip drop
I still hear the blood drippin'
I'm trippin'
Like it was on March 10
Same dark feelings
Room is spinning
Hurt & scared 'cause i'm lost
In my own world.
Trapped in my own body
Not sure of what to do
But just ..
Drip drip drop
The tears are now drippin'
They leave unseen stains
But my, my eyes puff up
Like i've been beat up.
My eyes can't lie
They don't lie.
I have been beaten
Beat by revealed secrets,
Broken promises,
& an ex-lovers ex-trust.
Beat up because it hit me real hard.
Like my tears
It leaves stains,
No scars.
Yet not on my body,
But on my heart.

Say what was once Love?

1 comment(s):

Cahlow said...

theres a naked girl in your background...