
First & foremost I would just like to say that I LOVE it when my name is spelled correctly :)

I think that if I had less things going on in my life I'd be better at them.

If I were to just be..

*working @ Big Ridge then I
-would offer more hours to put in
-cover more shifts others can't
-study the menu so I can get my foods card

*working @ Aritzia I
-would work full time
-get to know my PK
-(which would probably) bring up my SPH
-buy more clothes :)

*going to school I
-would spend a LOT more time on projects/homework
-draw A LOT more
-fill in some empty canvases
-would be taking full time course loads
-would be broke

*dancing I
-would still be in Sickstylz
-would still be teaching downtown
-would keep teaching Sullivan's Senior team & the boys team (but A.T.M. I'm just doing seniors)
-would be broke haha!

*performing in the olympics I
-wouldn't have to bother tweaking my life's schedule.

I wish I could give a full 100% to all of these things here but my body cannot handle it. Lately I haven't been sleeping much (min.2-max5hrs of sleep a night), eating properly (I only have one proper meal each day which is at night), & keeping my room clean. That's kind of a big thing for me. I live in my room, so if my room is messy, my life is messy. I feel so unorganized & lazy when its not clean & I don't like the feeling. But I don't always have the time.

2-3 days a week @ Big Ridge
3 days a week @ Aritzia
3 days a week @ School
1 day a week @ Sullivan (teaching)
1 day a week @ Olympic rehearsals

As much as I LOVE being busy I would like more self time for sleep & eating!

Oh gezzz.

I think I like testing my limits. I do that with a lot of things in my life. Push till I can't push no further. Its almost like I like to suffer. I get some sort of kick out of it that I don't even realize when I'm actually doing it.

100% a busy bee


Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

we appreciate all you do for us at sullivan casandra <3

bryan. said...

*working @ Aritzia I
-would work full time
-get to know my PK
-(which would probably) bring up my SPH
-buy more clothes :)

*working @ nike
everything you said except SPH..what's that lol

Matthew said...

you're working at the olympics? what position?
i'm a host at the whistler sliding centre =)