*delete delete delete*

as much as we'd like to leave it behind we never really do forget. We delete, we throw away, we keep thoughts in our heads & out of our mouths, we go on like we should and we "forget."

Some say it takes 3 years, some say 1. How do you really know? How do I know its forsure or if i'm just remembering.

I think I want to be f.. f... well you know, the "F" word. I want to still be able to talk to/ see her. I really miss her. Miss watching her grow day to day. Its not going to happen, but maybe we'll bump into each other. But I probably wont be remembered. I'll be a stranger in those eyes, while these eyes would have tears, (knowing how sensitive I get in sittuations like that)all because I got to see the start of something beautiful from day one. From the first time her eyes opened to the world, to the days where her pretty eyes couldn't stop holding back tears to her beautiful eyes seeing one candle on her very first cake. Then it all faded.

I hear she's got down sentences. & the last time I heard her speak all that would come out was "Dora"

Maybe, one day we'll have another encounter.

*delete delete delete*

rephrase: We'll have another encounter. Someday...

the "F" word = Friends

1 comment(s):

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