I've been doing that all day.

I woke up super duper early by accident. My alarm was set for 9:30am. Enough time to eat, shower, look perrty, and put on some clothes. But I woke up at 8am. So I had so much extra time to do activities! Just kidding, but I did put on make up. Yeah make up like eye liner and a touch of eye shadow!! Made myself look all perrty for the camera, which at the time I wasn't trying to jinx but hoping for the best. Before I left I was still all nervous cause I had so much time to just wait. Starting talking to suboi and what a great conversation we had. He made me RE-realize what a sweet bf I have. I do miss him dearly. I feel like we hardly talk because by the time my phone rings and our conversation starts I'm already more than half asleep :(. I can't wait for this weekend though. But back to subject, yes so suboi did start off my 1st SMILE which lasted for quite a while and helped me relieve my nerves a bit.

Driving instructor came, drove for 45mins and headed to ICBC. Got in the car, and started my test. Yup I was nervous but then he was cool, and nice. Everything went smooth, and I passed! So there it goes again the 2nd SMILE of the day.

Got home and headed right back out. The day before I got a call from my old manager at aritzia. Asking me if I want to work again for seasonal or something. So I said sure and we were supposed to meet and talk about my schedule. I got there, we started talking and then I realized she wanted me to work as an actual sales associate, part-time and all that. I was kind of stunned but I said sure why not (there goes that SMILE again, but a confused one this time. Still a smile though). So yes I'm back at aritzia again, but still at the restaurant, and teaching, and school. Man I'm going to be busy. But I would like to save a lot more now. My big future plans can't happen w/out steps to make it work.

Hello car, hello moving out. (In about a year and a half or so.)

Lastly, HBD MEEKS!

Cool, project&study time now.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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