Life's great when I don't procrastinate.

Ha! I should be a rapper.

So I've been busy doing all my laundry, homework, and cleaning my room all at once. I don't even think I turned on the TV once today. I'm still not done my project for school but I still have tmr to do it. Mid-terms this week & next. So I've been studying my ish.. Though its not very hard, I'm not going to lie. I just need to keep expanding my vocabulary.

Work was pretty fun/funny. I was expediting today, and I'm very glad the head chefs are friendly w/ me. Every time they screw up on a bill the extra food gets to be picked at by me first :) haha its great. Free food is always better. I didn't work very long but because there was a game tonight, and it was wing night, so we had quite a bit of people and tips we're good. I'm not broke!

Actually I got a letter in the mail today from the Ministry of Finance. I got the money for my scholarship! Well half of it so far. $500 in the bank feels nice. But its going into my savings. I don't want to touch it right now. Just when thought I was going broke, something like this happens. Fates a mystery!

Alright, more homework/ studying to get done.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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