Empty canvas

This is the hardest part.

Just the beginning, its like "where do I start?"

So many options I can't choose.


"If you give a man enough rope, he will hang himself" -b&w

Yesterday I fell asleep to some black & white movie. When I see b&w movies on I like to watch them. Actors back then were very different then how actors are now. I liked it then, they seem very passionate. Maybe its the perfect lighting which gives off this flawless look, or maybe its the complementary shades of just b&w. Either way it works marvelously. It might even be in the way they talk. Almost like the Gilmore girls how they talk super fast. But when it comes to a really emotional part they slow down and pause, as if they start reminiscing in the middle of their sentence as they look far off into space. And then they end their sentence quickly looking down and then take in a deep breath. Its pretty predictable but I still love it.

Hmm so yep I was rambling there. I just wanted to point out this one quote I remember from this movie. It was a mexican police man talking to this man from america who was a detective trying to catch the guy who murdered his friend. The policeman said...

"If you give a man enough rope, he will hang himself"

I see this being true in other ways rather then just criminals who break laws. But I don't want to think out loud about this one. Ill let you ( who ever you are/ who ever reads this/ if anyone reads this haha..) think about it.

I'll give you the canvas, let you spill the paint this time.


Mm, Night.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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