And a good friend came along

Friend: Usually I'd give a good "everyone deserves to be happy, think positive" sort of thing but I have something different for you. haha.
Me: What's that?
Me: That I should be happy? Lol
Friend: hahah
Friend: nope.
Friend: as much as I think you deserve to be happy. or that you should.
Me: *shouldn't
Friend: You're growing up Cas. Alot. Over the past couple months, a substantial amount. If I know anything about growing up, it means, unfortunately, that there's less time for fun and games. And there's no time for games. Especially the avoiding your girlfriend type games.
Friend: I can tell you what you do deserve. And that's everything. Easy. But you don't deserve to be playing ring around the rosey with your boyfriend. You deserve to TREATed the way you've grown, and that's good. Because tricks are for kids. and that's not you. ha.

Thanks friend.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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