
-that I got my bestfriend. (Sh)

-that you're still here for me even though I didn't ask. You called me, you asked me to come over, and even though I didn't ask you to you did me a favor because you're here for me when I'm truly in need.

-for my sister & brother. You guys are holding ground so confidently even though everything is up in the air right now. I love you guys, & I look up to you both. Thanks for staying strong, cause I'm breaking with every bit of corruption that's been going down.

-for god giving us this amazing blessed family. The Amortanto family has been nothing but helpful to all of us. Thank goodness you guys are all cops, thank goodness for you're open arms and letting us into your home. Providing us with shelter. How do we ever repay you? .. That's something I'll be thinking about.

(never thought I would say this but..)
-for Aritzia. Thanks for keeping me busy. Thanks for occupying my mind so I don't have to think of everything else. Thanks for getting me out & out of this mess. But sometimes I need a break from you.

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill

Its time for me to stop being such a pessimist in this situation. Shit's rough, but there's no need to make it any harder on myself.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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