Where everybody knows your name..

..even w/out a name tag.

I forgot mine today since all my sht is in boxes right now. I worked today at the restaurant and haven't for a week. The last time I worked an evening shift was probably a month ago or even more then that. I like working the day shifts but the evening shifts gives me more hours.

So today when I was working I got a couple tables asking me "where have you been?" Or "did you go on vacation?".. People notice my absence, & honestly it was of a nice feeling haha. We get a bunch of regulars so they know who works there.

We also get in a lot of locals so I see kids from my high school come in sometimes. Then there are others who have graduated from sullivan years before me that know everyone else. So there was this one table with 4 guys, I'm guessing a year or so older then me. One of them stops me and in my head I'm thinking he's going to ask how tall or how old I am. But no, this one was a little different. He saw the gold chain that my dad gave me & I was wearing and said he liked it. He said it looked nice because everywhere I was walking he'd see it shine. I thought that was the most random comment I have ever gotten from a customer. I gave a smirk, laughed a bit with his buddies, said thank you and went back to working trying not to laugh too hard. An hour or so later kids from sullivan come in, we say hi, and they sit with that group of guys. I guess they went to sullivan too before me. When they are all done eating and are now upfront paying & leaving I start to clean their table and that one guy comes back. Asks me if I needed any help. Laughing under my smile I said no. He's kind of studering and unsure of how to approach me. While I listen to his attempt at asking for my number and to hang out sometime I look over his shoulder and see his friends faces. Their looks seemed shocked that he actually went up to me again but in a good way. He tried to smooth things in by telling me I'm cute and then I just told him to ask my friend Kaela (who was sitting at their table as well) if my number was really what he wanted. Kalea came back to me after and told me how he was asking her to "hook him up" with me lol. We laughed and he left. I hope she didn't actually give him my number. Haha!

BigRidge is a crazy place, but I love it.

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