Glad you're in prison

You've been nothing but trouble since the day you stepped into our lives. Trying to buy our acceptance, please. We never liked you and never did I ever feel comfortable around you. You made me feel like a stranger in my own home. You were doubted in the beginning and nerves never calmed down when you were around. Ever since you fcked up that first time we knew you couldn't be trusted again. Do you know how much pain you have caused my family? Do you know how fcked up you are? You sick mother fcker I'm glad I caught you. Tryna fool me with your stupid ass lie, I caught you FCKING RED HANDED! And am I EVER glad to know that you're behind bars right now. But that still doesn't cover for the damage you've done to the relationships in the family. You've brainwashed the one thing that could NEVER EVER in a million years be replaced. I hope you're fcking satisfied cause if fcking our lives up was your plan then CON-motherfcking- GRATULATIONS, YOU DID IT all by yourself. You honestly need some help cause you're sick.

It sadden & angers me to see you struggle with a decision like this. I know you're frustrated with everything that is going on but look at what end we're on. Still you can't see which is more important. I really thought you ment that last time you said in that email. But your actions tonight made it clear to see that those feelings that once existed don't exist no more. Here you go, all the space you need. We're gone now, just like you wanted.

I don't like cops but they we're our extra life line tonight. So many questions & so many answers. Record my memory, take notes on my detail, see and hear what I have witnessed. At the station past 12am .. This all started to go down at 11am.

What if I didn't make those plans to go out. Would I have needed to borrow that cardigan, would I have caught that sick fck, would he have done it again the next day.

Tired of these stupid ass lies & sorry ass excuses. Go do something with your life rather than just sitting on you're ass in front of that screen. You're pathetic!

Stop drilling this family into this chaos, cause the more it happens the further this family gets.


Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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