The other day..

I was caught up watching "say yes to the dress" & I never usually watch that, but it caught my eye.. well that & I didn't feel like changing the channel. But all the dresses we're pretty decent, except for the one that was covering the neck & shoulders. Very old fashioned. I think I saw one that I liked, haha just one that I liked.. Not thinking of actually getting close to that stage in my life haha but just saying.

It actually reminded me of the day I got to see my grad dress. The lady making my dress called me & let me know it was ready to be checked out before the final finish. Kelvin, Serena, and Mark all came with me & waited in the next room while I put this dress on. The design was A LOT different from how I originally wanted it. My dress was NOT supposed to be fitted at all. It was actually supposed to hang everywhere, but w/e. I put it on and came out. My entourage liked it, but it was hard for me to appreciate since I wasn't so happy about the dress though it did turn out pretty nice. I didn't want no shiny beads or any of that typical ish. But it was a little different from the crowed & I was satisfied.

My grad was fun, Kelvins grad was amazing.. Since it felt like it was mine, & my debut was great. I wore that dress to all 3 events. Hahaha! W/e I got my use out of it & will probably never use it again.

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