
As soon as I dropped you off & was home organizing my week it hit me. My conflicting schedule did it for me. I could have sworn I felt the hairs on my head turning white & my eyes just bulging out.

Work times at Aritzia were conflicting with BigRidge work times & then school change their schedule dates which were the same time as work.. It was just not an organized week for me. I guess I've lucked out for the past 4 weeks.

I needed to let out the confusion & stress pains I've been hiding. I really didn't know I had them till last night. It was quite overwhelming but it happens.

I haven't had a night like that in.. A LONG time. I don't like it, but because its a familiar feeling I'm not scared of it. I just know that I have to deal with it & then keep moving forward.

So that is exactly what I did today. Got my ass up, showered & I already was starting to feel better. Yeah the mirror wasn't my best friend this morning but my morning face from last nights sorrow was slowly fading as the day passed by & new feelings grew over. My eye lids looked like they gained 5 pounds each haha but it made my eyelashes look extra long.

I got to work earlier than I thought & I felt good being dressed up & prepared to work. Work started off slow for a bit but it wasn't too bad. A lot of new girls were on but we had some major top sellers on the floor. But I managed to do quite well. My SPH doubled since my last shift & boy was I glad. I was brutally honest on who I was helping & wasn't helping. I think that gave me good karma.

I didn't even have to close today since metro was open till 9. I got to get out by 6 so I was so relieved! On the way to the train stopped into the stores where I knew friends might be working so it was nice running into familiar faces.

My heart beat is back on its normal pace & my eyes are at its original state. Life alright. Lifes not balanced, but its alright. & I can deal with that right now.

Yes I can.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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