I should be sleeping

That's me. Laying in bed when I should be sleeping. But I can't. So here I am, somewhat looking up at the ceiling. I Forgot about the pressures of having a busy life. The pressure on the eyes. So much pressure this liquid seems to be coming out of them. I'm not used to this. What is it?

Oh right.. I used to do a lot of this in 2009. I almost forgot what this was. I'm remembering now. This is a horrible feeling.

Wish I was with you right now. I'd let you listen to my heart beat again. This time I'd be the opposite from what you were hearing the 1st time. Its slow. Somewhat calm. But if I were with you, you'd know exactly how to speed it right back up again. I still have your sweater. Does your room still smell like me?

Cas go to sleep.

Run away.

Delete your whole blog.

Start a new one.

Go to sleep.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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