TY: Number Sixteen

Haha wow this is a great picture. I want to say summer of 2004. Harrison Hot Springs, family picnic, sun castles, & kites. Let's see, Jamie must have been gr8 (Junior High aka Middle school), I was in gr7 (grading elementary), Brian in gr6 (Jr. High as well), & Dylan in gr6 but elementary. Now Jamie's in her 2nd year at UVIC, I'm on my 1st year @ AIV, Brian & Dylan on their last year of High School. A lot changes in a few years. I love my cousins. Blood is definitely thicker than water.

Need more time for family. Family cannot be replaced.

I got your email. I knew it was from you cause my phone started flashing red&blue. Every time I read what you have to say I choke up. My throat literally starts swelling up, and when I try to reply the same thing happens and even worse my eyes feel the need to start tearing up. Nothing comes down though. Its like I'm allergic to this tension between us. There are some sorts of tension between people I like, can handle, or can't stand. This one is between "can handle" & "can't stand". When will it end?

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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