TY: Number Eleven

As much as I could say I love and appreciate Art, my real passion is still set on dancing. It may not be my career or even my hobby at the moment, but it will always be apart of me. No matter how distant I am from it.
Like I put on my twitter bio: "Dancing is what I love doing. It's my passion, and that's not going to change. As long as there will be music, I will be dancing." Every word I said I meant & is true.

Ever since, well ever since I always wanted to be an Artist. I absolutely was addicted to drawing and painting. Most especially when I got my first and very own double sided Playskool painting/drawing/chalkboard/whiteboard easel. Oh man was it ever the best. We had it set up in our garage because my mom didn't want me spilling paint on the carpet. I got this for christmas and I remember going downstairs at 8am during the christmas break every morning just to paint, and I wouldn't even feel the cold. It had 2 sides but on each side I was able to flip the board around depending on what I wanted to do.

But I believe the moment I realized I wanted to be a painter was this one odd day when I was drawing. It was a weekend afternoon, and I was sitting on the stairs with my pencil, pencil crayons, markers, and a pad of paper. At the time I had a phase of drawing hills because it was my way of creating depth with foreground layers. So things actually looked far but on 2D paper. I was drawing a bunch of hills, and birds, flowers, and small houses, with a bit of clouds up above and one sun. I colored it in and showed one of my family members that was passing by to go down the stairs. It was my dad and he said to me "did you draw that? No, you didn't draw that" and I told him it was me I swear, he could even ask my sister. That's when I thought that maybe I can draw pretty good. If he thought it was too "good" to be drawn by me then maybe I could get even better if I tried. I loved the compliment. It soaked in and gave me this extra boost to believe in myself and love what I love doing.

To be continued...
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