TY: Number Eight

Ever since we we're born we've always been wanting. Wanting more, wanting something better. It's something that's just programmed in us. As humans we're automatically in the search of something better, new, "iller".

When we're babies we play with toys, but we want more toys, or someone else's toys, or even bigger toys. We can never have enough. Slowly we grow older and want different things. Shoes, more shoes, nicer shoes, expensive shoes. A boy friend, a nicer boyfriend, more/different boyfriends (Haha just an example). The more we change or grow, our lists of things we want change. It is not only until we're old enough or wise enough to prevent this bad habit of wanting the better things in life. Some people become less picky, and accept what they have and don't have. I believe this change happens mostly by experiences. Experiences of either being/seeing the less fortunate in anyway. Realization occurs and we change our mind set to be less greedy with what the world has put before us.

But don't think that wanting to have more fun, or wanting to spend a little more to look nice, or wanting to be out a little later is a bad thing. We're born with the want to look for more, expect something to happen, and hope for another better ending.

"If you woke up, and you had the greatest day of your life, why would you need to live anymore? You know there's always something better, something iller. That's why we keep going." - Tommy Rebel

Currently listening to: Usher - I love you too (new)**

I went to a bumpin' party last weekend. Had the greatest time of my life, sober & innocent. One beer & flirtatious conversations, that's it. 3 different djs spinning oldschool & newschool tracks, everybody dancing shoulder to shoulder, chips & snacks on the table and somewhat all over the floor, flash photography capturing the highlights of the night, good times with old friends, & fresh memories for brand new friendships. It was just a great night. All the fun & here I am. One weekend later another party. Its that "there's always something better, something iller" feeling again. & also just being there for the celebrants special day.

Its more understood when you're at a party of 20+ and there is potential tension between certain people that you won't end up getting around to on any communication levels. Conversation, simple actions (like a wave), or eye contact are all completely avoided. But when its less than that then the percentage of tension about to be created becomes a lot bigger. More so when the avoiding just becomes ignoring or even when someone's presence is completely unacknowledged. Its like when you're picked last in a game of dodge ball but without being picked at all. You're standing there, everyone else has been chosen already, you're left for last pick , but instead of even being chosen the game is already starting. I understand that our communication levels are next to nothing, but that doesn't mean we can't still be on the same team. But if its really that bad then just say so, so I don't make a fool out of myself by accidentally saying "hi" or something even worse like "bye".

Craziness. You got your family, relatives, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, & others. That's why there's always that extra option tab that says "Others".. I didn't understand before. But I get now.

Ty Jamie Jane
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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