TY: Number Twelve

Aren't we all on our way to death? So what does "get busy dying" even mean? Maybe its sarcasm. Since we are already dying then getting busy to die is like you're not doing anything at all. So if you're not busy doing anything else with you're life, then you're probably "busy" dying. Ha!

Guess I'm not dying anytime soon. (Knock on wood)

1. I like that we have no mutual friends.

2. I like that I don't know your name. (Yet)

3. I like it when you talk to me first.

4. I like that you get embarrassed easily in front of me.

5. I like how we hardly know each other, but act like we do.

6. I like our history.

7. I like your drunk msgs. Its funny.

I like that I don't love anything between me & them besides just being friends.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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